Many people have old cars that have transmission issues or other mechanical problems that make them practically unable to be driven. They take these cars to a dealership, take what little they can get for a trade in, and simply forget about the car. There are other options, however. If you have an old car that needs some work but can be fixed, consider Automotive Donations in Houston Texas in order to put your car to good use. Not only can it help the homeless or a man fresh out of jail, it also can give you a tax credit that can be a major help.
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Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas: Helping with Reintegration
One thing people not think about is, when a person gets out of jail or works to correct chronic homelessness, there are many basic life skills that they simply don’t possess. Opening a checking account, setting a monthly budget, and other daily activities that we take for granted can be extremely difficult for these men. This can make reintegrating to society almost impossible. Part of Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas needs to focus on these life skills in order to make sure these men know how to function in society.
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A Proven Track Record of Providing Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas
When considering giving to a charity that provides Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas, it is important to work with a group that has a proven record of helping. Some groups start out well-intentioned, but simply don’t have the experience to provide the help that people need. Other groups might have a large portion of their revenue go to fund overhead or other operating costs. This means that the money is not going where it is most helpful– to those in need. At Harbor Ministries, we have more than 25 years of proven excellence helping men get their lives back on track, ensuring that any clothing, money, or other items donated go directly to helping people in need.
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