As Christmas approaches, now is a good time to go through the closet and find some old clothes you don’t need any more. It’s very easy for a decent shirt to get pushed to the bottom of the drawer or to the back of a closet, only to be forgotten. Why not look into Clothing Donations in Houston Texas to put that old shirt to use? By donating gently used shirts and pants, you can help fund a program here in Houston that helps men get back on their feet. Continue reading “Clothing Donations in Houston Texas: Time to Clean Out the Closet”
Category: Clothing Donations
A Clothing Donations Facility in Houston Texas Helps Ex-Convicts
Men returning from prison often have a very difficult time adjusting to life on the outside. Because prison life is an extremely structured existence it can be overwhelming to suddenly return to the freedom of the outside world. This fact combined with the lack of opportunities offered to convicts means that many people return to a life of crime and wind up back in jail. This revolving prison door has a high social cost as well as a high financial cost. Instead of being productive members of society these men’s lives are wasted behind bars. A clothing donations facility in Houston Texas can help provide these men with services to get them re-acclimated to society. Continue reading “A Clothing Donations Facility in Houston Texas Helps Ex-Convicts”