Should I give money to the homeless on the streets?


I know that that may sound uncompassionate and harsh; however your hard earned money may be being used to enable a counterproductive lifestyle. Many on the streets are mentally ill, disabled or out of work. But from my experience the largest percent are addicted to drugs and alcohol, or are anti-social; some are even fugitives who have dropped off the main stream grid who wish not to be identified.
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Earning Respect with Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas

Prisons seek to break men down. They work to take away a person’s self-worth, their identity, and their self-respect. This is done by the guards and other prison personnel in an effort to maintain control. Unfortunately, this carries over when a man is released from prison. Suddenly, he has none of the basic tools necessary to function in society. Harbor Ministries seeks to provide Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas by helping a man earn respect and build up his self-worth. By giving him tasks and responsibilities and letting him earn more through good work, we can help this man get back on his feet.
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Treatment Programs Lower Recidivism Through Donations Service in Houston Texas

A recent report showed that Texas prisoners were returning to prison at a lower rate. Recidivism in Texas dropped 11% as Texas began to emphasize treatment programs to help convicts both in and after prison. Programs that deal with drug addiction and re-entry into society have proven to effectively reduce crime. It has been so effective in Texas that other states such as Kansas, Michigan, and Ohio have seen similar drops when instituting these programs. Through donations service in Houston, Texas, Harbor Ministries seeks to provide programs to help prisoners re-enter society and keep crime rates low.
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