Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas: Give the Gift of a New Start

Now that Christmas season is upon us, it is important to remember what this season is all about: the charity that Jesus showed us in being born to redeem the world. While it is easy to get caught up in the fun of gift giving and singing Christmas carols, remember that there is a much deeper meaning to this holiday. And imagine what your life would be like if you didn’t have a nice home to share with your family and friends. To pass on this important gift, look to give to a charity providing Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas during this holiday season. Continue reading “Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas: Give the Gift of a New Start”

Homeless Assistance In Houston Texas: Don’t Fall Victim to the Bystander Effect

A homeless man in Houston lay dead for almost 20 hours in a popular Houston strip mall before he was found by police. Many people walked by, some even taking pictures with their cell phone, but none called the police. Social psychologists call this the “Bystander Effect,” where people assume someone else will provide help. Unfortunately, as this case shows, it can actually lead to people receiving less aid as citizens pass the buck to one another. It is everyone’s job to help with Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas to make sure that men in need get a fresh start on life. Continue reading “Homeless Assistance In Houston Texas: Don’t Fall Victim to the Bystander Effect”

Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas: Mayor Touts Homeless Progress, Jail Reform

Recently at a town hall meeting, Houston mayor Annise Parker applauded her administration’s efforts at reducing homelessness in Houston as well as pushing for jail reforms. Speaking of the homelessness problem, she cited statistics that showed a 25% reduction in the overall number of homeless people. She said the city should more diligently to work to help the city’s 2,500 people who are chronically unemployed. She also emphasized jail reform and working to provide rehabilitation programs for non-violent offenders. As far homeless assistance in Houston, Texas goes, these two issues go hand in hand. Continue reading “Homeless Assistance in Houston Texas: Mayor Touts Homeless Progress, Jail Reform”